Julie McGowan - Business Analyst & Training Facilitator

Sydney-based business analyst and training specialist, Julie McGowan, B.S. Computer Science & Technology (USyd), has experience across a wide array of leading global companies including Macquarie Bank, Barclays Bank and Westpac.

For the last 20 years, Julie has worked on projects large and small-scale, data-intensive business and technical. These include implementing global Common Reporting Standards legislation, User Access Management and reporting, Anti-Money Laundering/Counter Terrorist Financing detection and reporting and Basel II & Economic Capital reporting.


During this time, she has specified requirements for and trained end users on bespoke banking solutions and more familiar software platforms including Microsoft SQL Server, Microsoft Access, Microsoft Excel, Sharepoint, SAS and Teradata. She has also implemented a variety of third-party vendor solutions into organisations, and successfully embedded the new processes supported by the systems into both local and offshore teams through wide-scale training programs and communications.


Julie now develops and presents training programs on Power BI, Excel Power Query, and Excel Power Pivot. These programs empower analysts, accountants and other business professionals to improve their operational processes and harness their organisation's data.


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